Being a Reformed Church
Audio Files
1) Foundations 1: Scripture Alone – 2 Peter 1 v 12 – 21
2) Foundations 2: The Majesty of God – Isaiah 6 v 1 – 8
3) Theology 1: Covenant Theology – Genesis 15
4) Theology 2: The Total Depravity of Man – Romans 3 v 9 – 20 **
5) Theology 3: Unconditional Election – Romans 9 v 15
6) Theology 4: Limited Atonement – John 10 v 15
7) Theology 5: Irresistible Grace – John 6 v 44
8) Theology 6: Perseverance of the Saints – Philippians 1 v 6
9) Practice 1: LCPC on a Mission – Luke 10 v 1 – 2
10) Practice 2: Church Governance – Acts 15
11) Practice 3: A Most Unwelcome Subject – 2 Corinthians 8 v 9
** We regret that due to technical difficulties this file is unavailable
Video Files