Induction of Rev Kevin Arévalo

Induction of Rev Kevin Arévalo

It was a beautiful spring morning on Sunday, 12th of May 2024, and the lush beauty of this new season adorning the streets of London heralded a Lord’s day of many joys blessed upon the congregation of LCPC, as we welcomed our new associate minister, Rev Kevin Arévalo, his wife, Beverly and their children Adriana, Diego, and...

Ladies’ Afternoon Tea 2024

Ladies’ Afternoon Tea 2024

It was a beautiful, sunny March afternoon as LCPC women of all ages – along with two of the youngest gentlemen – flocked to South London for the sixth annual ladies’ afternoon tea. After helping ourselves to whatever tea tickled our fancy, we set about devouring the wide variety of sandwiches, canapés, cakes, biscuits, tartlets...

New Members in March 2024

New Members in March 2024

We were glad to welcome Kimmi, Qing and Jakub into membership on Sunday, 10th of March. They took vows, presented by our pastor Andy, and became an official part of the covenant family that is LCPC. We thank God for his blessing in the growth of our church, to his glory!