On 18th May, several young people from various churches in, and around, London met at London City Presbyterian Church. Our Women’s Worker, Marketa, has written this report: Recently we had our first joint 20s & 30s get together. We had forty people in total from LCPC, IPC Ealing, All Nations Ilford, New City IPC, Grove Chapel – and...
Day of Teaching
On Saturday 12th May, we had a Day of Teaching for the women of London City Presbyterian Church. Jan tells us more… “One Anothering”? What’s that all about? Well, the women of LCPC had a day of teaching to explore what it is. Marketa Stankova, our women’s worker, arranged for Ali MacDonald (Pastoral Worker at Smithton...
New Members
A few weeks ago we welcomed 6 new members to London City Presbyterian Church. They were all formally introduced to the congregation and took vows together before being prayed for by our pastor. Song and Julia (pictured above with their two boys) have been worshipping with us since last summer. Song is a student at...