American Friends

American Friends

Over the last few weeks we have been sorry to have to say goodbye to three of our American friends. First of all to Dana (front row, second from the left) who had reached the end of a semester studying in London. Then to Andrew (top right) who had been part of LCPC while he...

Scout’s Honour

Scout’s Honour

Our congregational treasurer, Jennifer, has been involved with Scouting for many years, and is Assistant Chief Scout Leader of her local Scout Troop. In February, The District Commissioner visited their weekly meeting to present Jennifer with the Chief Scout’s Commendation for Meritorious Conduct. This was to recognise her dedication to Scouting despite having to cope...

Wendover Walk

Wendover Walk

On 20 April, on a beautiful sunny day, a group from LCPC travelled north to Wendover for a walk in the Chiltern Hills. The group made their way through Wendover Woods where they enjoyed seeing a variety of local wildlife. Further along the walk they enjoyed stunning views across the Buckinghamshire countryside, as well as...