Autumn in London this year brought a pattering of bronze leaves upon our city and a cascading of blessings upon our church. With five new members, three baptisms and a Thanksgiving celebration over these beautifully leafy weeks, we were all thankful to welcome new brothers and sisters into our covenant family and share precious times together, with all the joy that comes with worshipping our God and witnessing the continued growth of his people by his hand.
Sunday, 20th of October, was a significant day in this season of our church as we welcomed three new members, two of whom were also baptised during the service, followed by the baptism of a new baby of two long-standing members. The first portion of these events commenced as Jasmin and Djalale stood in front of the congregation of witnesses and, after taking vows professing their faith, were both baptised by our associate minister Kevin, and through this, officially embraced as members of LCPC. Subsequently, our sister Ronké also professed faith in front of the congregation by undertaking the membership vows set forth by Kevin, and she too was then formally welcomed into the LCPC family. Kevin led us all in prayer, worshipping God for his goodness, for Jasmin, Djalale and Ronké, and finally for the congregation of LCPC that we might support and love them as the family they are. As the ceremony came to a close, Kevin, Andy, Dick and Peter, the elders of LCPC, came to the front and personally welcomed Jasmin, Djalale and Ronké, now in their care.
Later in the same service, we witnessed the baptism of baby Patience, the child of two of our long-standing members, Jack and Letitia. They made vows, as Christian parents, about raising Patience in the faith, before Kevin sprinkled her with water, baptising her as a covenant child. He once again led us in prayer. This was truly an effervescent day of delight, proverbially radiating through the windows of St Botolph’s.
As autumn struck on with shorter days and longer nights, we continued to welcome new people into membership. On the 24th of November, Rebeca and Ryan were brought into membership via transfer, having moved here, like many of our members, from churches in other parts of the world and, to our happiness, found a home at LCPC. Their vows were put forward to them by our pastor Andy, which they accepted before the entire congregation, and was followed by Andy’s prayer of worship and thanksgiving. Rebeca and Ryan were then welcomed by the rest of the session who came up to congratulate them.
On the final day of autumn, Saturday the 30th of November, we held a celebration of Thanksgiving in our church building. After the annual Christmas carolling at Barbican station, a large group gathered and enjoyed a bountiful spread together. The room was bright with handmade decorations, and a galaxy of colourful lights beamed upon the proceedings as we ate, enjoyed trivia and shared, one-by-one, what we were thankful for. It was a radiant evening and final note to the season, as the following morning, Sunday December 1st, heralded the advent of Advent for another year. As London’s streets were papered in leaves from increasingly bare trees, winter had officially begun, but a winter with a bright horizon that is worshipping our saviour, and God’s continued and never-ending work and blessing in our city and beyond.
Sunday, 20th of October:

Sunday, 24th of November:

Thanksgiving Celebration, Saturday 30th of November:

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