20s & 30s in Finchley

20s & 30s in Finchley

On the 28th of April our Twenties & Thirties group met in Finchley, North London. The hosts, Enny & Tiago, provided a warm welcome and plenty of food. Brazilian hot dogs were on the menu and this time most of the group knew to put the mashed potato inside the roll and not eat it on the side. (It’s the Brazilian way!)

Continuing with the term’s topic of Knowing God’s Will, Brad Bitner spoke to the group and facilitated discussion specifically about God’s providence. With such a wide variety of countries and cultures represented, it was fascinating to think about how people react to what happens to them and how they view their futures, but it was especially helpful to compare that with what the Bible teaches us about these things.

Twenties and Thirties is on again this Friday (the 12th of May) and the speaker will be Chris Ansberry from Oak Hill. If you would like further details please get in touch.