20s & 30s Question Time

20s & 30s Question Time

Last night, over twenty ‘Twenties & Thirties’ met at the manse for a Question and Answer session with our minister, Andy. Upon arrival, people wrote their questions on slips of paper before putting them anonymously in a bowl – so you really could ask anything!

After pizza and nachos had been served, Andy set to work answering a variety of questions. Subjects ranged from the Free Church in general, gifts of the Spirit, relationship advice and Roman Catholicism.


It was a very enjoyable evening with good discussion and lots of laughter. However, there was also a sense of sadness as this was to be Ki and Yu-En’s last time at Twenties & Thirties. Yu-En plans to travel around Europe (and beyond) for the next few months, and Ki has taken up a new job in Belfast.

Both have been a huge part of the congregation over the past year and will be greatly missed. The vast quantities of cake baked in their honour proves it!