At a recent communion we were delighted to welcome four new members to our congregation here in London. On this occasion all of them happened to be Brazilian! Claudio and Marilene (pictured above) have lived in London for several years and they have a 12 year old daughter, Rachel. Claudio used to be the minister...
Tag: <span>members</span>
New Members
At our last Communion service we were very pleased to have Rev Iver Martin, Principal of Edinburgh Theological Seminary preach for us. We were also delighted to welcome some new members to the London City Presbyterian Church family. Lientjie is an acturial analyst and comes from South Africa. Daniel (from Singapore) lives and works in the...
New Members
We’re delighted to introduce more new members of London City Presbyterian Church. Pictured above we have Ngozi who is originally from Nigeria, and Phillip & Meredith who hail from Mississippi in the United States. In the photos below we have Monica from Mexico, and Maisie who is originally from Australia. Maisie joined our congregation after...
New Members
We are thankful to God for continued blessing on our congregation. Over the past few months we have been pleased to welcome more new members to the congregation. Leandro and Daniela are from Brazil and have been worshipping with us for a couple of years. They hope to remain in London for the forseeable future as Leandro...
New Members
At our recent communion service, we were delighted to welcome new members to our congregation. Henrique (from Brazil) joined by profession of faith. He moved to London earlier this year, and began to attend services at LCPC. We rejoice that the Lord has worked in his life and that he has been saved! We also welcomed Brad...