During the summer holidays, some of our Twenties and Thirties group met to continue with the topic of Discerning God’s Will. One of those who attended, Lientjie Jooste, has written this report about the evening: After a busy week, about 15 of us gathered for some quality time with brothers and sisters in Christ and...
Tag: <span>twenties and thirties</span>
20s and 30s in Marylebone
A few weeks ago, some of our Twenties & Thirties group met together to hear Chris Ansberry from Oak Hill College speak. The topic was “Knowing God’s Will for Relationships” and he gave a very interesting talk which left everyone with a lot to think about and discuss. The host for the evening was Mary,...
20s & 30s in Woodford and Kensington
Recently, our Twenties & Thirties programme has been continuing to look at A Series of Importance Questions. First up, we met at the manse in Woodford Green and enjoyed having our guest speaker, Fenna answer the question ‘What has God done for me?‘ She spoke openly and honestly about some of the many ways God has worked in her life....
20s & 30s Eat Haggis
On Friday night, the first Twenties & Thirties meeting of 2014 took place. There were some new faces, and an opportunity to try some new tastes. With it being so close to Burn’s Night, there was haggis, neeps and tatties (and Irn Bru!) on the menu. Amongst those trying haggis for the first time were...